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The Wrestler: A Q.T. Marshall Story Review

Richard Valero

Oct 12, 2020

Q.T. Marshall has been independently wrestling for nearly a decade. Turning 30, and sustaining multiple injuries in the ring, his career could quite possibly, be coming to an end. Q.T. has one last shot in making it into the WWE – if he fails, he will be forced to hang up his wrestling boots forever.

Before we begin, as the documentary kicks off, I can relate to a lot of what QT was saying as a former professional wrestler myself. You work that 9-5, so you can afford to be a professional wrestler because the process of becoming a ‘big star’ is as easy as people make it out to be.

As the film progresses, we see everyone at the school prepare for the big tryout for Gerald Brisco, and in this business, this is one of the most important things as a wrestler. Because if he doesn’t see what is needed, you may not get another opportunity to showcase in front of him again.

Usually, with a documentary, they try to sugar coat things, and what I liked about this movie is the fact they didn’t do that. They were blunt, honest, and real about QT and how he had the opportunity to become this professional wrestler on the big stage, and he didn’t take it as seriously as he should’ve.

However, we see where he gets the call, and QT isn’t going to get the tryout now. We have a raw look at what it’s like to have your dreams smashed over and over again. We have this moment at the table where he is talking to his girlfriend and mother, and they have a real talk about when is the right time to give up this dream and move forward. You never want to give up your passion, but at some point, a time comes along that maybe you don’t have it.

In conclusion, Frank Zarrillo’s does a wonderful job of putting the camera in your face and make you see first hand what it is like to try to make it in the wrestling business. His work behind the camera makes you feel the passion, empathy and has you rooting for QT to take make it to the next level.

The Verdict:


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

The film is an intimate portrait of the highs and lows of becoming a professional wrestler and how it’s not always rainbows and butterflies, that you have to work hard, you have to want it, and you have to never give up on your dreams.

Jacob is a film critic and co-founder of the Music City Drive-In. He is a member of the Music City Film Critics’ Association and specializes in the awards season. You can find him on Twitter @Tberry57.

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